Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 Finally Gets a Teaser

Hopefully this time they don’t run out of ink.

Look, I like plenty of Gainax’s stuff. But Evangelion is not really one of them. It always struck me as a depressing slog through bullshit symbolism and allegory. That all said, I really like parodies of the intro.


This one really hits me where I live, man.

Your Dad loves you.

That said, I saw the first 2 Rebuild movies thanks to Toonami, and they were pretty okay. Certainly better medicated than the original series. It’s been some time since the 3rd movie came out, though: roughly 5 years. That can mostly be blamed on a couple of things; Anno had to take a break after the last one, and he was also busy with Shin Godzilla. But I guess it’s now time to finish things. Meanwhile, Gainax resembles a deflated balloon and is currently selling tomatoes.

Recently, however, the site for the Rebuild movies finally updated for 3.0 + 1.0, which is a fucking Square Enix title for something if ever I saw one. Sure, it’s just an image with a smattering of text that I’m not going to translate, because I’m not Elrond the Half-elven and I don’t read moon runes (if you want that, Polygon’s got a translated version that I didn’t feel good about poaching). But it’s something.

READ:  Man of Tai Chi DVD Review
evangelion 3.0 + 1.0
Studio Khara

Honestly, though, figuring out Evangelion is like Zelda timeline theories or the story of Kingdom Hearts: completely pointless. On the plus side, it’ll probably be well animated. And hopefully, Shinji won’t have to rant about this one’s ending.

About Author

B. Simmons

Based out of Glendale California, Bryan is a GAMbIT's resident gaming contributor. Specializing in PC and portable gaming, you can find Bryan on his 3DS playing Monster Hunter or at one of the various conventions throughout the state.

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