A Plague Tale: Requiem Announced & Coming Day 1 to Xbox Game Pass

A Plague Tale: Requiem, the sequel to one of the most unique and surprising games of last generation, and one we followed the development for several years, will be a launch day game for Xbox Game Pass in 2022. The million-seller was a fantastic adventure featuring what seemed like millions of generated rats making for a really creepy look and feel. Interesting enough, I just finished replaying the game last week because I enjoyed it so much.

Debuting at the Xbox showcase at E3, A Plague Tale: Requiem showed off lots more rats, a much older and grizzled Amica with a crossbow instead of her trust sling, and a Hugo still racked with the Macula and most likely still being hunted for killing a prominent Catholic priest in the last game.

Focus Home Interactive and Asobo Studios have been doing a lot of quality work, but it seems like A Plague Tale is their first massive hit series and I am all for that. This is one to definitely check out and makes having Game Pass an even more amazing deal heading into 2022.

About Author

J. Luis

J. Luis is the current Editor-In-Chief here at GAMbIT. With a background in investigative journalism his work encompasses the pop-culture spectrum here, but he also works in the political spectrum for other organizations.

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