Amazon Echo Loop Puts Alexa Into A Ring Like Those Crappy Kickstarters

The Echo Loop brings back flashbacks to shitty Kickstarter projects

Amazon continues to stick Alexa into places it does not belong in the company’s ongoing attempt to record all human data to sell you more needless shit. Introducing the Echo Loop!

The Echo Loop sticks Alexa into a ring, turning your finger into a smart device. Thank goodness because my finger is pretty stupid. How long do you think it’ll be before someone loses an Echo Loop inside another person? Yeah, I went there.

Hey, Alexa, whose kid is this?

The Loop will retail for $129 and will be an invite-only product since its a more experimental device. I’m thinking it’s safe to say that the team here at GAMBIT won’t be getting any invites.

If you’ve been around Kickstarter long enough you’ll have seen these sort of smart rings before. Each and every time they have failed, been scams, or large and gaudy things that don’t work as intended.

About Author

J. Luis

J. Luis is the current Editor-In-Chief here at GAMbIT. With a background in investigative journalism his work encompasses the pop-culture spectrum here, but he also works in the political spectrum for other organizations.

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