Claptrap’s Original Voice Actor Accuses Randy Pitchford Of Assault

Randy Pitchford

Oh Randy…

David Eddings was not only Claptrap’s original voice actor for the Borderlands games, he was also Gearbox’s former vice president of licensing. And, in light of Borderlands 3‘s announcement, he’s got a story to tell about why he won’t be reprising the role. Partially, it’s due to the fact that Gearbox refused to pay him royalties for his past work. Partially because Pitchford assaulted him.

Since the announcement of Borderlands 3, it seems Randy’s terrible decisions have begun to haunt him. Not only is the revelation that he assaulted Eddings less than savory, he literally turned down a free performance for what he should have paid the man in the first place. That’s not to mention the kerfuffle with Troy Baker not reprising his role as Rhys. And, we can’t forget that time he got scammed out of $3 million by a personal assistant.

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Ain’t no magic trick Randy can pull to fix this. But at least we have a vague idea of where that $12 million he owes Eddings went, eh?

Source: VG 24/7

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B. Simmons

Based out of Glendale California, Bryan is a GAMbIT's resident gaming contributor. Specializing in PC and portable gaming, you can find Bryan on his 3DS playing Monster Hunter or at one of the various conventions throughout the state.

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