Lindsay review: “Part Two”

Are we on the brink of what we’ve tuned into Lindsay for? The verge of the good phase coming to an end and her self-sabotaging to begin?

Meh, kind of.

Last night’s episode “Part Two”, did switch what little sympathetic feelings I have for Lohan to the camera crew, that’s for sure. We’re at day 46 of Lohan living in a hotel, and it’s all we hear about. That, and her damn apartment.

But the real potential drama lies with Lindsay and lack of her ‘regular shooting schedule’, she can decline to film whenever she pleases. This leaves director Amy Rice to shoot Lohan’s over-worked and probably vastly under-paid assistant Matt, to rouse her from bed to sign a lease. Which he promptly returns to the worst real estate agent ever, with money. Surprise, still NO KEYS TO MUCH AFOREMENTIONED APARTMENT.

Turns out Lohan is more or less broke, which comes to the surprise of no one, especially when you see the historic amount of clothing crammed in that hotel room. Pilgrim Studios, the production company making the docu series (are we seriously still calling it that?) for OWN basically fronted Lindsay’s future pay so she could score the digs she wants. But when you’re Lohan, the place you want is often associated with shady-ass people. Pilgrim smartly pulled the checks upon coming to their senses. Executive Producer Craig knows, when Lohan gets what she wants, she’ll continue to bounce-house out of shooting. A resounding duh from the crowd.

READ:  Lindsay Premiere on OWN

“Until I fuck up you can’t assume I am going to.” Welp, hanging around your literally slimy Father doesn’t really quell those thoughts. Michael Lohan is known to find any public outlet to tearfully blather to whenever Lindsay sneezes. And her Mother? Lohan believes it’s “out of character” when she finds out Dina recently got a DUI. The only thing out of character is it taking this long for Dina Lohan to of finally gotten one.

Can Lohan still not tell the difference between someone who is using her, enabling her, or generally saying ‘yes’ because she is who she is?

Though we do move away from the endless apartment drama, it’s pretty dull. Even the paparazzi chase. It makes the show feel like it’s goes on forever, telling us things we’ve always heard and read on the internet, but this time, with more feeling.

At least by the end of the episode, the worst real estate broker gives her the effing keys. JESUS. How do some people have jobs?

Next week: Oprah tells Lindsay to cut the bullshit.

Join me next week for another recap of Lindsay!


About Author

M. Poupard

Margaux Poupard is an award-winning comedy screenwriter, freelance copywriter, and accomplished producer.

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