Xbox Simplifies Things By Integrating Twitch Streaming From The Dashboard


Mixer: “Change da world… my final message. Goodb ye.”

Good news, everyone! If you like streaming to Twitch from your Xbox, they’ve now made the whole process easier. You can now stream directly from the system guide. After you link your Twitch account, you simply navigate to “Go Live Now” and you can start streaming. You even have control over the sorts of things that matter, like bitrate and separate audio levels between the game and your mic.

It’s even smart enough to pause your feed and change titles when you switch games.. You can control whether viewers can hear your party chat too. And your friend list can choose whether to get alerts when you go live.

This has been a long time coming. Especially since Microsoft canned Mixer, the streaming service they owned a few years ago. Mixer had integrated streaming, but Twitch required you to set things up through the app. And needless to say, that process was a lot more clunky than what users just got.

Source: Engadget

About Author

B. Simmons

Based out of Glendale California, Bryan is a GAMbIT's resident gaming contributor. Specializing in PC and portable gaming, you can find Bryan on his 3DS playing Monster Hunter or at one of the various conventions throughout the state.

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