Streets of Rage 4 Gets a Gets Behind The Scenes Trailer

Streets of Rage 2 is the greatest beat ’em up ever created by man. It’s so good that I’ve spent the years since its releasing trying to find a better example of the genre to no avail. So it’s safe to say I am excited about the upcoming release of Streets of Rage 4!

Lizardcube is co-developing the game and feature in a newly released trailer talking about the art direction you can expect in the upcoming title. This is a team that while many people don’t know, make some incredible art and helped to bring Monster Boy and the Dragon’s Trap back in a big way.

In fact, I wrote about that game and how amazing it looked, going as far as buying it outright, something I rarely do because I’m a poor reviewer with a mortgage.

There’s a lot of neat information in the video above, especially about how the team managed to dig up a scene in the design documents for Streets of Rage 2 of a car smashing into a wall during play. It’s a nice touch and shows the team is digging deep and really love this franchise.

Are you planning on picking up Street of Rage 4?

About Author

J. Luis

J. Luis is the current Editor-In-Chief here at GAMbIT. With a background in investigative journalism his work encompasses the pop-culture spectrum here, but he also works in the political spectrum for other organizations.

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